blackra1n的推出,代表了可Jailbreak iPhone OS 3.1.2的iPhone及iPod Touch。現時blackra1n只有Windows版本可選,其Jailbreak的方法相當簡單,比Pwnage Tool更合iPhone新手使用。

加里以iPhone 3GS作示範,至於其他iPhone及iPod Touch的實際Jailbreak方法跟iPhone 3GS完全相同。

要使用blackra1n,首要條件是把iPhone升級至iPhone OS 3.1.2,在iTunes按Update便可。
Screen shot 2009-10-11 at 4.21.15 PM

完成升級過程後iPhone應是使用OS 3.1.2,這時執行blackra1n.exe,再按make it ra1n按鍵。

過程中會出現entering recovery…的句子,只需大約30秒便能完成Jailbreak的過程,過程全自動,完成後也會出現相關的訊息。這時待iPhone重新啟動便可。

此時iPhone會多了一個名為blackra1n的軟件,這個軟件是用於安裝Cydia、Rock及Icy之用。只要選擇後按Install,blackra1n便會自動下載及安裝,至於底下的Uninstall blackra1n,則是用於刪除blackra1n軟件之用。

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8 Responses to “全港首發!Jailberak iPhone OS 3.1.2必備

  1. Andrew says:

    Appsync 3.1 in Cydia still usable in 3.1.2? any problem after your JB?
    After JB can show the telecom carrier that could not show in 3.1 JB thru Pwnage?

  2. 加里 says:

    AppSync 3.1 can use in iPhone OS 3.1.2 and the carrier logo is no problem at all.

  3. P_K says:

    Will you introduce the upcoming Pwnagetool3.13? It can jailbreak & unlock all versions of iPhone & iPod Touch, isn’t it? But is it can only available on Mac OS?

  4. 加里 says:

    The tutorial is at Please check it out.

  5. Andrew says:

    Will u also suggest the way to JB 3.1.2 thru Pwnage tool 3.14? I just dunno how to find the ipsw for 3.1.2. thanks in advance!

  6. 加里 says:

    The Jailbreak method is the same as Will update the IPSW download link.

  7. tim says:

    any difference about using blackra1n & pwnage, e.g. speed, signal strength?

  8. 加里 says:

    There should be no differences between these two jailbreak method. Just find one suite for you is ok.

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