3HK發表iPhone 4月費計劃

On July 28, 2010, in News, by 加里

3HK今日宣佈,將於7月30日在香港推出iPhone 4,並推出售價及月費計劃。


如欲了解更多有關iPhone 4售價及月費計劃的詳情或查詢登記,請瀏覽 iPhone.three.com.hk

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2 Responses to “3HK發表iPhone 4月費計劃”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Bach Lau, Stella Kwok, Water Lou, tsuishui, C. POYEE and others. C. POYEE said: RT @tsuishui: 3香港發表iPhone 4月費計劃 http://www.smartphonex.net/archives/3467 […]

  2. […] 原文出處:http://www.smartphonex.net/archives/3467 […]

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