現時千多元已經買到Android手機,反觀Android平板裝置就動輒至少三千元才有交易。MicroBee X7打破了這個價格定律,推出了一部不到二千元的Android平板裝置。
來自國內的MiroBee(微蜂)專門研發MID,旗下的X7是旗下首部在港推出的Android平板裝置。X7的外表並不突出,其外殼只是以塑膠製造,而所有的通訊介面均出現於同一側。X7配備1.2GHz處理器及內置512MB RAM,整體的系統反應尚可,兼備有8GB內置儲存空間使用。X7雖說是低價Android平板裝置,只配備支援多點觸控功能的WVGA解像度螢幕,但仍擁有USB Host介面及HDMI輸出,官方稱其USB Host介面支援3G USB手指作無線上網,兼擁有Wi-Fi連接能力,不過就沒有藍牙。X7所搭載的作業系統為Android 2.3,官方表示未來可升級至Honeycomb,惟推出日期未定。
X7跟「山寨」Android平板的分別在於有品牌,不過加里個人覺得,若以二千元去購買X7,倒不如多花一千元選擇Samsung Galaxy Tab WiFi,至少有較強的網絡連接能力及更高的螢幕解像度。加里認為若預算許可最好選擇大品牌,就算沒官方的支援也能得到非官方的軟件更新。
作業系統:Android 2.3
處理器:ARM Cortex A8 1.2GHz
記憶體:8GB ROM / 512MB DDR3 RAM
顯示屏:800 x 480像素,7吋TFT電容式多點觸控螢幕
其他:HDMI / USB Host / 重力感應器 / 光感感應器
體積:194.5 x 119 x 13.5毫米
查詢:Huge Star 2416 6980
Please can you deliver an english discription from the Microbee X7 ?
My Chinese language is not so good to translate the words from the book deliverd with the machine. I am so sorry.
Thank you for that, A.G.M. van den Broek
Try to use Google Translate…
dear sir,madam
My microbee X7 has a boot-loop when I start my microbee. So I can`t started my microbee and my computer can not find my microbee. Also I have tryed to reset for several times but the microbee don`t give a reaction.
Please give me a good tip to started on a normal way and to use my microbee.
Thank you for that, A.G.M. van den Broek.
February 09; Please can you answer my question from Januari 31 2012?
Hellouw there, I believe i have get an Email from you but…………………….there was not any tekst (30mb?)with it. Can you send again the E mail with the tekst.
Thank you for sending it.
2012 febr. 26
I believe you send me an answere (thank you for that) but…………. the discription was not there.
Please can you send it again to me ?
Thanks. A.van den Broek