說到英格蘭超級足球聯賽,加里早於2002年曾參觀過曼聯的奧脫福及阿仙奴的高貝利球場,更有幸參觀英格蘭國家隊備戰歐洲國家盃外圍賽的訓練。英格蘭超級足球聯賽賽會亦自2003年開始,每兩年的夏季都在亞洲舉行熱身賽 – 巴克萊亞洲錦標賽,香港更是繼2007年後,今年於7月27及30日再度在香港大球場舉行,加里早已購買了比賽門劵,現場感受氣氛。
此乃大會繼將於7月27及30日在香港大球場舉行四場「巴克萊亞洲錦標賽2011」賽事的貴賓門票之外,再額外送出的終極大獎,得獎的幸運球迷更可與比賽評判迪西里 (Marcel Desailly) 親自會面。在是項球壇盛事中,將上演一眾英超勁旅包括車路士、阿士東維拉、布力般流浪、以及香港聯賽冠軍傑志之間的實力較量。
所有英超擁躉只需登入比賽網頁www.barclaysfootball.com,提交一張照片、一段自我介紹的短片及以100字展現其追捧英超的狂熱情懷。比賽截至日期為2011年7月3 日(星期日) 深夜12時正。
– 巴克萊英格蘭超級足球聯賽 2011至2012 年度球季自選賽事的門票兩張,可現場為支持的球隊打氣,連來回英國之機票兩套及酒店住宿三晚
– 於7月27及30日在香港大球場舉行的「巴克萊亞洲錦標賽2011」四場賽事之貴賓門票,並獲貴賓式款待
– 與賽事裁判迪西里一同為香港舉行的「巴克萊亞洲錦標賽」揭開序幕,並由這位車路士傳奇人物親自作您的私人嚮導,成為參觀大會特設展覽會的首位嘉賓
– 另外五位優勝者將可贏取巴克萊英格蘭超級足球聯賽的獨家簽名禮品「巴克萊香港狂熱球迷大募集 」的大獎得主及其他優勝者名單將於7月18日起一周內公佈。
In the search to find the most passionate Barclays Premier League supporter in Hong
Kong, Barclays has announced on the day that the 2011-12 Barclays Premier League
fixtures are published, an opportunity of a lifetime for the winner of the Barclays Fan of
Hong Kong competition. The winner will now also receive a trip to the UK to watch their
favourite team in a Barclays Premier League match during the 2011/12 season.This prize is in addition to the VIP tickets to all four matches of the Barclays Asia Trophy,
taking place at Hong Kong Stadium on 27 and 30 July, and a meeting with competition
judge Marcel Desailly. The tournament features Barclays Premier League clubs
Chelsea, Aston Villa and Blackburn Rovers, as well Hong Kong champions Kitchee.The Barclays Fan of Hong Kong competition is aiming to find fans in Hong Kong that
go the extra mile to support their team. The judges, led by Chelsea and France legend
Marcel Desailly, are looking for entries that show; the efforts fans go to watch matches,
the rituals they follow before big games, the passion of their chanting and singing club
songs, their unique celebrations, their collections of memorabilia, and ultimately anything
else that demonstrates why they are the Barclays Fan of Hong Kong.Supporters can enter through the competition website – www.barclaysfootball.com –
where they can submit a photo, a video of themselves and 100 words showing why they
should win the Barclays Fan of Hong Kong. The closing date for entries is midnight on
Sunday 3 July 2011.First prize now includes:
• A pair of tickets to watch a Barclays Premier League team of their choice in the 2011/
12 season, flights to the UK for two and three nights’ hotel accommodation.
• VIP tickets with hospitality to all four matches of this year’s Barclays Asia Trophy atHong Kong Stadium on 27 and 30 July.
• Opening the Barclays Premier League Trophy Tour in Hong Kong alongside
competition judge Marcel Desailly, and then be the first visitor into the exhibition with
the Chelsea legend as their personal guide.
• Five runners-up will win exclusive signed Barclays Premier League merchandise.The winner and runners-up will be announced the week commencing Monday 18 July.